OFF THE BOSS! Online logo The"Wisdom"
of People
in Power

              We've all seen 'em...

"Mr. Big Genius"

"Ms. Know-it-All"

"Master Mind"

But in truth, bosses know
about as much
about doing their job --
let alone yours --
as that gooey lump of Juicy Fruit
you find stuck under the seat
of a movie theater.

To further prove this point,
(as if it needed to be proven)
we proudly present actual,
documented examples of:

Bonehead Bosses
Bonehead Boss
at Work

The Head Dunce

In the early 1970's, a high ranking executive at Twentieth Century Fox rejected “Jaws” saying it would only make a mediocre Movie For Television. Universal Studios picked it up and of course it became one of the biggest grossers of all time.

The very next year, Universal stopped developing STAR WARS at their studio and passed on the project, saying the movie audience wasn’t interested in “antiquated Buck Rogers comic books”.

The Head Dunce A “brilliant” investment banker was approached by a young man, who was willing to give him a large percentage of a new company he was starting. The banker read his prospectus and refused to even see the young man. Instead he put all his money into something called Quadraphonic -- which was stereo with two more speakers.

It flopped.

The young man he refused to see?
Bill Gates.

The Head Dunce In 1962, an Executive at Decca records rejected a musical quartet, saying that “Groups with guitars are on the way out!”

That group, by the way --

The Head Dunce In the late 1940’s, the head of a major electronics manufacturing firm decided not to make television sets. His reasoning:

“The problem with television is that people must sit and keep their eyes glued to a screen. The average American family hasn’t time for that. They will never sit still indoors long enough! Television will NEVER find a wide acceptance!”

The Head Dunce The Editor of a newspaper where Walt Disney worked as a young man told him he should forget about a career in anything creative because he totally “lacked ideas.”

The Head Dunce Football legend, Vince Lombardi, was told by one of his earlier coaches that he should forget about a career in coaching, saying he possessed only “minimal” football knowledge and lacked motivation.

The Head Dunce At the turn of the century, the head of the United States Patent Office resigned, and sent a letter to the President, urging him to shut down the office. The reason?...

He said, “there is no more reason for a patent office. Everything that can be invented has been.”

The Head Dunce A young woman approached her employer to see if he'd like to back her in a new business endeavor.   His response: " A cookie store is a bad idea. Besides, the market research reports say America likes crispy cookies, not soft and chewy cookies like you make."

That woman, of course, was Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields).

Submitted by B. Phillips, Gresham, Oregon...

And these PINHEADS
 are in charge??


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Part One  
 Physiological Differences  |  Common Boss Ailments  
 Employer Aptitude Test
Don't Fear the Inferior!


Part Two  
 The Tire Iron Story  |  The Bag Lady Effect  | Tap a Boss' Brain
 The Inner Boss  
 | Send Your Boss an OFF THE BOSS Postcard!
  Get The Goods  
Your Certificate of Completion  | The Credits

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